
February garden jobs

Spring is banging on the door, it’s time to get your garden ready for the first buds of the year.

Below we can put together a list of things to do this month:

Clean out and ready your greenhouse

Everyone likes a clean working environment – a greenhouse is no exception. Wash down pre areas and sweep out leaves, soil, dirt etc… Don’t forget to clean out seed trays and pots too.

Cut down ornamental grasses

Cut down ornamental grasses left over winter. These have probably become untidy and clumpy – do this before any new shoots appear.

Divide clumps of snowdrops

Divide clumps of snowdrops and winter aconites after flowering and replant to new areas of your garden.

Prune clematis

Prune clematis, cutting stems back to healthy buds about 30cm from the base

Start chitting early potatoes

Use an egg box and place them in a bright, cool, frost-free place.

Prepare vegetable beds

Prepare vegetable seed beds, and sow some vegetables under cover. Raised beds are a great way to grow vegetables in small areas.