
Garden jobs for May

Summer is peaking its head around the corner and the thought of those long summer nights are not so far way. There are still plenty of jobs to do in the garden this May.

  • Pick rhubarb stems as they develop, and water plants with liquid feed
  • In the veg plot: plant out Broad beans, Runner beans, Peas, Onions, Garlic, Carrots, salad crops,  Leeks, Strawberries.
  • May is tomato time, buy plants to grow on in the greenhouse
  • Plant out summer bedding plants including all hardy perennials & evergreens.
  • Tie in rambling and climbing roses. 
  • Keep on top of your weeding, these will compete with for precious water, light and nutrients.
  • Protect carrots from carrot fly by covering with fleece or mesh.
  • Take cuttings – Now is the perfect timeo to take cuttings from fuchsias, dahlias and pelargoniums
    • Take softwood cuttings of shrubby herbs