
January gardening jobs

The days might be short and weather less than appealing but there is still plenty to do in the garden. Every gardener knows that early preparation is key to growing success.

So where to start?

Cutting backs

Time to start cutting back your herbaceous plants. Just remember to leave a little something to provide cover for your local wildlife.

Ready Your Water Butts

Plants still need watering in the winter so make sure your water butt is ready to go. To ensure you’re collecting as much rainwater as possible, make sure your gutters and rainwater diverter is clear of debris.

Force rhubarb plants

Place an upturned bucket or large garden pot over the rhubarb crown. The darkness will trick the crown to producing tender pink stems which will be ready in about 8 weeks.

Sprinkle ash

Ash left over from all wood fires are rich in potassium – this precious mineral encourages spring flowering and will help your growing fruit in the Autumn.


Next month is tomato seeding time, so start thinking about what you want to see your salad bowl in the coming months.

Don’t forget the birds!

Winter can be a hard time for birds, so remember to replace hanging fat balls (but not the ones in plastic netting) and keep feeders topped up. Drinking and bathing is vital to birds so remember to brake the ice in your birdbaths.