Marshalls Garden introduce pre rooted Garlic Cloves and Onion Sets.
Marshalls Garden becomes the UK’s first online retailer to introduce pre rooted Garlic Cloves and Onion Sets.
Marshalls Garden have today launched their range of pre-rooted Garlic Cloves and Onion Sets and are the first online retailer in the UK to do so.
This new and innovative way to buy Garlic Cloves and Onion Sets, produces bigger, stronger yields ready to harvest earlier in the year.
Already rooted, these sets are starting to show top growth and are ready to be planted in the ground as soon as they arrive.
A common gripe amongst grow-your-own gardeners is birds pulling up freshly planted crops – but this isn’t just to see your angry face! It because they are seeking the earthworms that in turn are attracted to microbes present in the immediate area around the rooting called the Rhizosphere.

Microbes feast on the proteins, sugars and dead cells created from the plants roots. These pre rooted sets mean the birds will find them harder to pull up and should leave them alone. The microbes in turn, provide the plants with essential nutrients and so the cycle continues.
Marshalls pre rooted Onion and Garlic sets are great for gardeners with small plots who only have space for a few plants and don’t want to waste a big bag of sets. They have been planted out into plug trays ready to plant out immediately – no more waiting to see if they will sprout, you can already see them growing!
In addition, they are available in smaller pack sizes, which means that gardeners can try a few different varieties in the same space that would be used for a regular pack size.
Mike Bracegirdle, Grow Your Own Category Manager at Marshalls Garden says ‘Marshalls continues to put our customers at the forefront of everything we do, listening to their concerns and difficulties and helping to find a solution. We strive to help bring them new ranges that will not only save them time but will help them to produce larger, better yields each year.
In our 75th year of business, to be continuing to bring new ranges and products to market is something we are extremely proud of and look forward to seeing the results in customers gardens and allotments this year’.
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