What to take cuttings of in September

These are one of the easiest perennials to propagate Both hardy and half-hardy perennial varieties of fuchsia root easily. To produce bushy plants, pinch out the growing tips once rooted, then repeat next spring. Read more on taking soft cuttings

You can easily propagate Hebes from softwood cuttings. This can done particularly easy during the summer.
Most lavender varieties hate cold and wet winters, but the fashionable compact varieties recommended for containers and French lavender, Lavandula stoechas, are the most at risk; propagate so you don’t lose them.

Geraniums all root reliably in autumn. These popular bedding plants provide a burst of colour throughout summer.
When stems reach 7 to 8 cm long, they should make good cuttings. If wintered correctly (protected from frost), will produce further stems the following spring.